Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Recordings and Some LIve Performances

Hello again, sports fans!  Been a while.  Let me just start off by saying The Orioles are in first place and it's September.  Very strange, not sure really how to deal with it.

OK, back to music, and a few other Fall items (a bit of self-promotion, I'm afraid):

#1 - Matt and I have been busy working on some recorded material, and I'm very proud to say that we've now made it available via download on the site.  It's a mini-album, with a reworking of "Mabelline" that includes Bill Beachler on drums, along with three other new songs we wrote. Yes, we're selling it, but it's only $3.50!  Eventually we may have it available in disc form, but for now it's a download-only release. Here's the link:

or just copy this:  into your browser to hear samples or to purchase. Or you can find the songs on iTunes, Spotify, Rhapsody, etc., too.  And if you like it, tell your friends!  Or tell me!  If you don't, don't.

#2 - As mentioned in these ramblings before, Matt and I are also going to be appearing in three weeks, on Saturday, September 29th as part of the Woody Guthrie 100th Birthday Celebration at the Creative Alliance.  It's bound to be a great night, there are some terrific acts who will also be appearing: The Stone Hill All Stars (who will be backing us up on a couple of tunes), Arty Hill, The Honey Dewdrops, Caleb Stine, The Hello Strangers, and Michael Patrick Flanagan Smith.  Here's the link to the Creative Alliance page for tickets, a promotional video, and info: . Please come if you can, should be great -- I'm really looking forward to hearing all the other performers, actually.

And #3 - We're also slated to appear at the Roots Cafe Singer-Songwriter Series at An Die Musik on Sunday, November 11th at 5pm.  I'll bother you about that again as it gets closer, more than likely, but just in case I don't, consider yourself notified.

OK, enough for now.  Hope to see you somewhere sometime.